Experience with Elliot Sound Projects #92 Compressor?

Started by yano, February 16, 2010, 04:05:41 PM

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I'm looking at building a compressor, primarily for bass. Has anyone tried building the Elliot Sound Projects #92? http://sound.westhost.com/project92.htm

If so, any thoughts, regarding the sound, or recommendations versus other designs?



I have not seen this before but it reminds me of the Flatline. Flatline uses only two op-amps. No output buffer and no Vref op-amp.


If so, any thoughts, regarding the sound, or recommendations versus other designs?
  just recommendations versus other designs. and thoughts and regards to the sounds.
  I like photocell type compressors.
  This one can be set up to suit my needs, and I'll be fond of using it, at least that is the plan I should follow through with.
  Other designs may offer something where the dark resistance is concerned, it takes time, but not that much if you get a 'quick to reach dark resistance' LDR.
  Smallbear has 'em.
  Otherwise I like 'em because of the basic topology you see. This has interesting twist on how to operate split supply from @ 12v supply, I'd put a regulator if the WW doesn't match a battery for low noise input.
  TL072...got 'em, they're nice for audio circuits, the LED amplifier circuit is a 'work section', not in the audio path directly.
  The article is very complete, and with the detailed text describes the simple, useful compressor circuits needs etc., great project IMO.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks for the info...I'm going to bread board it soon, I'll let you all know how I like it

Mark Hammer

Looks pretty close to the Anderton EPFM compressor and the Thomas Henry / Jack Orman Whisper compressor too.


  If fast response of large volume changes during fast, hard picked low notes with minor 'ducking' is the goal...it never was for me so I can't suggest a compressor for that.
  Otherwise it's a minimalist-ish compressor, quick build, if the photocell can't be made to perform fast large sweeps and the LED current control doesn't follow the ramp rates desired [and can't be tweeked to do so], perhaps it's another compressor which will be easier to set up for that, it will almost necessarily be more complicated.
  Otherwise the straightforeward platform should be fairly easy to set-up for basic really nice compression response, not sure how fast other than...I also like the duck when I Hammer Hard Low Notes [and high notes sometimes] anyway, I'm using what are probably more sluggish photocells than are available.
  I have and use liking the compressors as a reason to build another, photocells have been good to me in this respect, the DOD is tied by PS and buried with others in a rackmount 2tier pedalboard, I could use a comp which expects high inputs, and...looks just like what we're looking at here, I like the PS option shown.
  I fiddled with the rates of sweep on the Dyna, and my feeling is that as shown, the circuit is well 'centered', straying too far from the sweep-controlling values shown results in wobbly, abrupt or otherwise slow response, cool effects to have on a switch so 'centered' can be defaulted to when desired.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I've done that idea with a Crown D-150 instead of TL072.

The general idea dates to the LA2-a, a 1950s broadcast limiter now widely used in studios.

The LDR used has a major effect on sound. Most generic LDRs will give brutal action. LA2-a used hand-selected LDRs of a type no longer made.