adding a pulsing or blinking LED to something

Started by El Heisenberg, February 28, 2010, 10:52:35 AM

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El Heisenberg

Anyone know of a simple way to just make an LED blink or pulse? I want to add a yellow one inside a boombox I made  with two holes in the front. I thought it'd be cool to have it blinking or something like a candle effect. If not, I'll just use ultra viloet LEDs
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


They make LEDs with blinkin' circuits inside. Usually you don't even need a resistor: they eat standard voltage directly. Google.

Paul Marossy

Quote from: PRR on February 28, 2010, 08:53:04 PM
They make LEDs with blinkin' circuits inside.

Yeah, I remember seeing some of those at RadioShack the last time I was there.


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El Heisenberg

"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

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On more idea - a 40106 with up to six oscillators, each at a different rate, all fed into a single LED could give an interesting pseudo-random blinking.

Needs 1 resistor & 1 cap per osc, and a 100k mixing resistor for each osc output.

El Heisenberg

that's more what I'm looking for. I'd also like more of a pulsing effect, like the LED mod in the EA tremolo or the Phase 45.


is just blinking, tho it'll work.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

I found an LED at radioshack that cycles through 6 or 7 colors. The colors melt into each other at a certain speed depending on the current. I dunno how to fully use these things yet, but what I got so far I like, and Im gunna use it. It's pretty cool. It starts at yellow, then orange, red, purple, blue, green, and I think white and pink hughes are in there.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

when you adjust the resistor just right, you get an awesome light show. You can also get stuff like melting through all the colors once, and then blinking through them once in repeating cycles. It's weird. Man I wish I woulda found these earlier. I woulda put them in every single one of my pedals. And have my pedalboard blinking and pulsing through all sortsa colors at me, like an acid trip. Actually yea, I think I'm gunna replace em all with these.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."