Help me figure out an Xover

Started by petemoore, March 07, 2010, 09:16:39 AM

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  Because this is for guitar, I figured maybe someone here has either tried it or can suggest a Db per octave rolloff to shoot for, perhaps a wider split and less steep rolloff would suffice?
  the main thing is to keep some of the bass content out of the 2x8'' cabinet, I suppose that's where to start, picking a rolloff slope per octave and rolloff point, I guess somewhere between 250hz and 125hz.
 I don't know if a couple R/C's would do it, one for HP, one for LP.
 Perhaps two pole filters...some active to recovery boost ?
 I have a 15+/Gnd./15- supply...or for single ended just a regulator such as 7824.
 I have these speakers I think would sound good reproducing HP and LP outputs:
 EV-15 [in a reflex cabinet, the LM3886 has no trouble controlling LF's through this one.
 For the HF's two of these in a 2x8'' enclosure produce very clear and shimmery highs, a bit lacking in LF's below the A string.
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