Any use for trigger diodes?

Started by phector2004, August 14, 2010, 05:51:55 PM

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Or was my impulse purchase of 10 a waste of $0.38  ;D

I did a search on Google, DIACs need +/- ~30-40V before they start passing current, so I'll probably stock up on some 1044/7660s sometime soon. I'm guessing if I can boost the signal insanely (~70V?!?) I can probably do something with it?

They sounded interesting at the time...

Any ideas?


Diacs can be used for some of the same things as neon tubes - relaxation oscillators, dividers etc.  There was an article in one 1966 issue of Radio-TV News that featured the neon tube circuits of Chet Atkins and another article somewhere in Radio-Electronics about using diacs where you ordinarily use neon tubes.  They have the advantage of lower breakover voltages and no need for ambient light to ionize a gas, so the voltage remains stable.  Ten for $0.38?  Good score!


Thanks! I'll look into that

Tayda has them for cheap, so I grabbed a few along with my trannies