jc AT lynx DOT net

Started by numpty, March 12, 2010, 07:42:47 AM

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I read somewhere on this forum that a "circuit snippet" of the speed controller was now available on the below site but I couldn't locate - it is this true? I wanted to see if was the similar to the one pot design by RG
QuoteUnivibe Speed Controller Mods
For some time now I've been messin' with a simple single-pot opto control circuit that replaces the dual pot and matches well with the limited (2/3 rotation) pot travel in a cry-baby against the speed range of the Univibe oscillator ... it uses a standard 100k wah pot for control - I will be drawing this up shortly ..

http://www.lynx.bc.ca/~jc/pedalsUnivibe.html     1996 - 2009 JC Maillet


I thought I'd see how similar it was, too, but I couldn't locate it either. All I found was the comment you quote.

The comment "matches well with the limited (2/3 rotation) pot travel in a cry-baby" reflects a truism that I've mentioned here before. To mate an LFO with something that  it drives, you have to match the LFO's DC component and its output size to what the driven circuit needs. To designer, the key words translate to offset and scaling.

In this case the "LFO" is the pot and the "driven circuit" is the oscillator section, though.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.