Killing killswitch pop

Started by philbinator1, March 16, 2010, 08:20:58 PM

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I just read Arons post about pop (wishing i could help, as my gat has EMG's too) and it reminded
me that everytime i use my killswitch i wired in, i gives a small click (esp. on clean) when i use it. 

does anyone know how to remedy this?  should i be measuring dc (which i don't know how to do)
then adding a resistor or capacitor somewhere and measuring dc again? 
"Hows are we's?  We's in the f*cking middle of a dinners meal!  Dats hows we am!" - Skwisgaar Skwigelf


DC isn't the only thing that can make a pop, so can switch bounce, or just the fact you're instantly transitioning what is likely a non zero voltage to zero.  The only really popless solutions are electronic switches with a slowdown, like Boss and others use for bypass.