Help! Orange Squeezer

Started by mrcheapyasui, April 05, 2010, 03:44:25 AM

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I'm working on building an orange squeezer clone and its not working.  It bypasses correctly, but when the effect is on, there is no sound.  The pot makes a scratchy sound as you turn it, but there is no signal.  I'm using dc power and I didn't wire the battery harness in at all.  I didn't get the ggg kit, but I'm using their instructions and the layout by MarkM.  I am building this on a perfboard.  Going through the circuit I found a few wiring errors, but I'm still having problems and I am not sure how to proceed from here.

Here are the voltages on the IC chip:
1: 8.7 V
2: 2.7 V
3: 4.3 V
4: 0 V
5: 0 V
6: 8.8 V
7: 8.8 V
8: 9.5 V

The thing that is really throwing me off is the voltages GGG says to get.  They say 4.7 volts at pin 5, but the MarkM layout says to ground pin 5.  Is there a mistake on one of these?  I don't really know how to troubleshoot these things so any advice will help a lot!  I actually tried to build a tubescreamer a  couple of years ago, but I gave up trying to get the damn thing to work!!

Thanks! ;D

Oh and heres the layout I'm following:


i built this effect a few weeks ago using the tonepad layout and it  worked fine, the pin layout is completly diferent from the one i used,
pin 1 and 2 are together and 3 and 4 goes to ground so my advice is to use the tonepad layout ;D

i dont have the pedal with me so i'm not able to meassure the voltage :(


hm thats weird!  Has anyone successfully built one with the layout I have?  On the layout you mentioned (, it seems that the pcb layout contradicts the schematic right below it.  In the schematic, theres a 220k resistor between pin 1 and 2, and pin 3 is not grounded.  My layout seems to match that schematic, not the pcb layout.  But I guess if the pcb one works then I gotta go with that!

So now my question is before I start redoing things, am I reading the schematic wrong, or is the schematic itself just plain wrong?



Nevermind! I got it working!  I had some of the electrolytic caps in backwards, whoops!  Thanks for the response though!