How do you stock your bench?

Started by jasonled75, April 01, 2010, 09:54:55 AM

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I was looking at the wiki on things to stock your bench with and was building a parts list when I realized it is 9 years old. Some of the parts numbers have changed, while some stuff listed is no longer available. So I wanted to ask what components are essential for a well stocked work bench? Please list manufacturer,type, and values. Also if there is a certain place you buy from parts numbers would be good. I was looking at the small bear assorted componet sets. I was hoping to come out a little cheaper by not buying alot of component that may not get used. If anyone has an opinion on these that is welcomed too.

Thanks in advance


Quote from: jasonled75 on April 01, 2010, 09:54:55 AM
I was looking at the wiki on things to stock your bench with and was building a parts list when I realized it is 9 years old. Some of the parts numbers have changed, while some stuff listed is no longer available. So I wanted to ask what components are essential for a well stocked work bench? Please list manufacturer,type, and values. Also if there is a certain place you buy from parts numbers would be good. I was looking at the small bear assorted componet sets. I was hoping to come out a little cheaper by not buying alot of component that may not get used. If anyone has an opinion on these that is welcomed too.

Thanks in advance

It's really hard to say because I have tons of parts, and I'm always missing something. What pisses me of most is if I'm missing just a few really cheap parts that will cost $7 to ship because the local Rat Shack doesn't have them. Part of me wants to burn through my current random stockpile and place parts orders for a few projects at a time to cut down on all of the random shipping charges. I'd stretch to say that having the amount of random parts I do is what nickel and dimes my builds because of the few things I don't you're almost better off just stocking your bench with the things you'll use on every project. You can't have enough various knobs, 1/4" jacks, power receptacles/jacks/plugs, ENCLOSURES, wire, solder, copperclad/vero/perf, labels/decals, primer/paint, mounting tape or stand offs, switches, etc.

So yeah...I say pick a handful of projects that you want to do and order the parts for those projects all at once. If you are the type that looks to build duplicates or just have the parts to build a duplicate later down the road ordering those parts will in turn stock your bench with only what you'll use.


Whatever you stock you'll still be missing that one special part.

Jacks, LEDs, switches and enclosures never go out of fashion though.


Thanks for the input! Unfourtunately I don't even have a local radio shack! so all my stuff will have to be mail order.  :icon_frown:
The closest radio shack to me is an hour away and it is a stupid mall store that doesnt carry much in the way of components.
I will defiantely be stocking up on the stuff you mentioned and may have to order components 3 or 4 builds at a time to save on shipping. I just hate waiting LOL


Depending on how much money you want to spend, you could always just get one of each of those 3 pages...

I tend to buy a little extra of everything when I order parts for another batch of projects. So instead of ordering the 7 10k Resistors I need, I get 10. Slowly This will work out to be a lot of extra caps, resistors, Transistors and IC's. It's helpful when you're building something and you want to try a different value of resistor in one spot, or if you realized too late that you didn't order enough 10k resistors, or need a 1M resistor to eliminate switch popping (both are RL situations for me on my current project).

Order lots of jacks, stomp switches, wire, LED's, bezels, knobs. Watch for grab bags or clear outs. It's pretty common to see 1000's of resistors go for 20 bucks on Ebay I'm told... One day I'm sure I'll have to clear out stock like those guys are, but for now I just jump on the deals that present themselves.
