PCB expess question

Started by MmmPedals, April 30, 2010, 04:37:08 PM

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I just drew up my first schematic in PCB express. When i check for net link errors it tells me i need to label the pins on the NPN transistors. What does that mean and how do i do it?


Using the ExpressSCH side, right? It's easy. It's a pain, but it's easy.

1. Select the transistor.
1a. I like to make a copy of it so I'm working on the copy. Your choice.
2. At the top, click Component -> Ungroup Component
3. Double-click each pin and assign them a number. You may wish to choose "Hide pin number."
4. Select the component (click-drag, since you ungrouped).
5. At the top, click Component -> Group to make component
5a. Add a part ID. I would just put "Q".
5b. Add a component name. Something like TO-92 (custom).
5c. Click OK.
6. At the top, click Component -> Save custom component.
6a. Add a name. The name you chose in step 5b will already be in there, so probably just use that.
6b. Click save.


Whenever you want to use an NPN transistor, use that one. Open the Component and symbol manager. Click Custom Components. Find your component. Use it.


If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

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