a good read about counterfeit parts

Started by caress, May 14, 2010, 01:19:34 AM

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I have a batch of ICs where half of them, the markings have simply faded away since I bought them, some from handling but still...I guess they are fakes.:icon_evil:
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band http://www.facebook.com/TheZedLeppelinExperience


whoops old news!  ha!  i knew i couldn't have been the first one to post this...

Paul Marossy

Wow, I didn't know the Chinese were counterfeiting IC chips now. What is this world coming to?  :icon_rolleyes:

El Heisenberg

Maybe it's my half chinese heritage...well that's exactly what it is...

I always smile when I find stuff like this. We are SO smart!!!

Hey if whitey got to where they are by ripping everyone off for centuries, then it's OUR turn!! CHINESE RISING!!!
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band http://www.facebook.com/TheZedLeppelinExperience

El Heisenberg

oh pshhht. If you were chinese you'd be proud too. But yer not so it's "wrong and bad". Makes no sense.

Think of it as payback for all those "pee pee in your coke" jokes.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


Really, you know what ethnicity I am ? Do you have access to my medical records or something ?
And I have never heard the pee pee in your Coke joke,care to enlighten ?
I personally despise any type of bigotry or prejudice no matter the group/person it is aimed at...
Even self depricating prejudice,which unfortunetly many ethnic comedians seem to revel in.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band http://www.facebook.com/TheZedLeppelinExperience


Interesting article.  When I was working in avionics, there was considerable suspicion that a lot of commercial-grade parts had been rebranded to military.  For example, we got in one 54LS74 dual D-type flip flop that had 16 pins!  (They should have 14 pins.)  I have no clue what was actually in the component, but it certainly could not be military anything.  Due to the pricing of military temperature range components (-55C to 125C) compared to commercial (0C to 70C), it was a very lucrative business to rebrand IC's.

It should be noted that tube manufacturers faced the same problem and in 1961 they adopted the opposite solution: the inks used to mark tubes were made removeable with water so that any attempt to clean up a dusty old tube taken from a television or whatever and sell it as a new tube would require a rebranding step.

El Heisenberg

Oh I was just kidding Brymus. You never hear an asian guy preaching "asian supremacy". I like to say stuff like that. People look at you funny.

"me chinese, me play joke, me put pee pee in your coke"
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."