Max1044 question in regards to mutron

Started by FuzzAldrin, May 14, 2010, 09:34:21 PM

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I have read that this fixes the whine, but some people say to tie pins 1 and 8 together. Im going to risk sounding like a newb, but does that mean to tack a wire from 1 and 8 over top of the switch? Those pins need to be connected to the board, right?
Can someone explain this to me?


I haven't tested yet, but I did just build one. From what I read, the Max is a pin for pin drop-in. The data sheet shows a simple connection from pin 1 to pin 8, so I just put a scrap of resistor lead across the 2 pins on the solder side of the board. Looks a little funny, but I'll get over it some day.  I'll find out if it's right when the rest of the parts get here.
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