Dirty, nasty, naughty bass fuzz suggestions wanted

Started by knealebrown, June 15, 2010, 04:47:23 AM

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Ive been asked to build a truely dirty bass fuzz for a friend of mine and was wondering what you guys would suggest? he wants something 'tottaly kick ass' in his words. Any suggestions?

''99 problems but a glitch aint one!''

Al Heeley

I've modded tubescreamer circuits to give a great bass distortion, also the Red Llama circuit with bigger input caps, but for true filth nothing compares to a fuzzy elephant- thats the contraversial Zvex Woolly Mammoth clone.


Or the BazzFuss or some Big Muff Versions (not the newer NYC ones, try the russians (green/black) or rams head).