General Guitar Gadgets Tube Screamer Trouble

Started by docnova, July 02, 2010, 06:36:49 AM

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I have just completed building the General Guitar Gadgets Tube Screamer and I am having trouble getting it to work properly. When I first turned it on it seemed to be working fine but soon as I moved the enclosure, the audio stopped. I got it to come back on by gently shaking the potentiometers, so I figured this must be the problem. I immediately completed re-soldered all of the pots and the problem is persisting. Is it possible I damaged them by applying the iron too long? If so is there anyway I can check them. I have a UEI DM383B Digital Multimeter. Are their other things that could be causing this problem? I am relatively new to building stompboxes, but I built the confidence booster and Fuzz pedal from Build Your Own Clone without a hitch. This project is really exposing my limited knowledge of electronics.


Check the jacks, maybe they touch the enclosurem or maybe the board touches the enclosure. Try to get it out of the enclosure again and check if it works. Otherwise read the debug topic.

Electron Tornado

You may have a bad solder joint somewhere or something is being shorted.
"Corn meal, gun powder, ham hocks, and guitar strings"

Who is John Galt?


Thanks for the responses.  I replaced the B100k pot and I do have sound now, however the tone or drive controls do not work. The pedal sounds as if though it is acting as if those settings are wide open. Now I am thinking I may have messed the pots up when I was soldering them, as I had never soldered pots before and kept the iron on them a long time. I will post more information later (such as voltages etc.) as per the debugging thread. Thanks for the help so far!


Just an update, I tried putting the A1M pot that came in the modifications kit on the pedal just to test if dead pots could be the problem... Bingo! Seems you can heat damage pots if you don't know how to solder them properly.