Boss DM-2 mod for 9v operation?

Started by candletears7, June 22, 2010, 09:17:48 PM

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From what I've read you just connect the power jack negative lead directly to ground.  Stock it goes through a diode and a resistor to ground.  Or you could take out the diode and resistor and replace them with jumpers.  I have a DM-2 but I haven't actually done the mod.  I would just use a 12volt adaptor since the pedal has some collector value.


I assume this is an old Boss ACA-powered pedal.  Do you have any of the newer BBE pedals, that come with an adaptor?.  I recently found out that the BBE adaptor will power my old ACA pedals without modding them.  It seems the BBE adaptors are, like the old ACA adaptors, unregulated adaptors that put out something like 13+ volts without a load.  There is also a mod that bypasses the two components in those pedals to allow the use of a regular 9 volt adaptor.  I think you just put in a jumper.



Here's the FAQ thread on the Bossarea Forum, where they discuss the mod.  There is actually a picture of a DM-2 board that shows where the jumper goes:

Some people also remove the two components, but I don't know if it is necessary.



After looking at the picture it looks easy enough to reverse; I may try this.


What i did with my DM-3 was change the value of R2(lower-i forgot the exact value because it was long time ago) and it's okay.