2 in one guitar pedal layout

Started by mhartington, July 09, 2010, 02:27:10 AM

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So i bought an enclosure that i installed a tube driver in but the enclosure has an extra knob, foot switch, and LED hole drilled in. So i figure i was time I threw something in there and though a nice reverb would be good. I got the reverb all built but realized i don't know how to wire the two circuits together. Can anyone point me in the right direction so i can wire the two circuits to run off the same power supply (18 volts), and use the same jacks?


To run both circuits off the same PSU, connect both circuits V+ points to the same power jack.

For the audio path, connect the footswitch terminal of the first effect that would normally go to an output jack to the footswitch terminal of the second effect that would normally connect to an input jack. It's exactly how it would be if you chained two individual pedals together, just with less sockets and no external patch cable.
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