Deane A. Gardner Tremelo

Started by FUZZZZzzzz, July 20, 2010, 05:03:30 PM

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hi guys.

i was searching for some old school tremelos and ended up on this site.

i'm making a layout for this one because all the components seem to be widely available from my local store  :)
but i have some questions:

- any thoughts on the value of R7.. i just cant make anything out of it..
- what about that oldschool bypass tremelo on off switches.. whats the best way to take them all out as im true bypassing them of course.

heres a print screened jpg of it.. could be a fun build maybe

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"If I could make noise with anything, I was going to"


Looks like C7 is 1uf to me. Not sure what it's there for, I'm going to guess it minimizes popping when the switch it activated.

This could probably be remade with a dual op-amp and a single 9v supply with little effort.


R7 looks like 11K to me; together with the 20k it will provide the fet with the necessary negative bias. You can try and see if you get away with 10k, otherwise use 10k and 1k in series. Hope that you are aware that this circuit needs 2 batteries (dual supply, the center is connected to ground).

You could omit S2, turning R4 (intensity) down should give the same effect (no tremolo).

The other 2 switches are really one dual switch, to disconnect both batteries at the same time; no possibilities for an easy solution here, I think; that is probably why soggybag advises to change the whole scheme to single supply. Don't know whether this easily can be done with respect to the fet's biasing. Have a look at the EAN tremolo (single supply).



thanks guys! i will breadboard this and experiment a bit.
"If I could make noise with anything, I was going to"