Boss TU-12 repair (led and needle not in sync)

Started by sonic66, August 04, 2010, 08:30:52 PM

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My tu-12 needs repair , the led's both light up when the guitar is tuned to the correct pitch ( i have varified this with another tuner ), but the needle indicating the pitch and number of cents is off by a lot

There is a least one internal trimpot that i have adjusted to see if it makes any difference , but it appears not to

Can any one suggest what could be causing this , and how to fix it

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The TU-12 needle calibration mode is activated by holding the pitch button while switching it on.  Either guitar or chromatic will do.  Keep the pitch button held down and then turn the trimpot to adjust where the needle lies.

Sounds like what you need.

No idea what causes it but it's a cheap fix if you come across any "broken" tuners on ebay or the like.  :-X


Thanks G .. will give it a try and let you know how i go ....
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