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GGG ITS8 boost

Started by papuanewjimmy, August 25, 2010, 02:24:07 PM

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Hi all,

I've put together an ITS8 (Ibanez TS 808 tube screamer clone) kit from General Guitar Gadgets with a few mods, and one that I'm working on is a boost mod.  I'd like to add a boost that is engaged via footswitch and the intensity of which is control by a pot (a la fooldrive2).  I've spent the last few weeks stumbling through various schematics, considered the BYOC OD2 boost, and other things, and I think I'm pretty close, but I'd feel much better about this if I got some feedback from someone who is more familiar with this stuff (this is only my second pedal build- and hopefully the last so I don't fail out of grad school!).  I've contacted JD, he noted that he has been working on something like this that isn't quite ready, and is busy with their move.  I didn't know if asking this question over at the BYOC forum would be kosher either since I didn't purchase a kit from them.  Anyways...

It seems like a boost of this type merely adds a 1MB pot in series with the existing "drive" pot (500K on the TS808), along with 1 or 2 capacitors (depending on what schematic you're looking at) which I assume are to reduce footswitch pop (???).  I'm curious exactly how I should wire this up, and I've thrown together a quick drawing of what I'm planning to do (I'll give you a minute to "oooooo" and "aaahhhh" at my graphic rendering skills...  finished?  great!).  Can any of you comment on this, tell me what I've done wrong, or give advice as to specific places that might be good places to connect the LED part of the switch to?  I'm an electronics doof, so I'm not sure exactly what things are officially part of the "ground" portion of the circuit, or the 9v or 4.5v for that matter.  Thanks so much!

An attempt to post my picture:

A link to where you can find the ITS8 Layout:




Sweet, I figured it out!  Still waiting on a 1M pot, so I just threw in a 1M resistor for a test run, and it works like a charm; LED lights up and everything!  Happy to help anyone else looking to add this mod to a tube screamer, just give a shout.



I'm not really sure about the drawing but let me see if I have this straight:

You essentially want two effects in one box (each with it's own footswitch). One is the tube screamer, the other is a boost.

If this is the case you're half way there! The second step is decide what boost you want (LPB2, micro amp, etc, etc). You can search on here for "two effects in a box" or something along those lines. I've done exactly this before and it sounds killer.


i think her just wants to extend the volume pot of the 808 to do a faux boost like the that right?
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


Hey guys, thanks for the replies!

John, you're spot on.  I was just shooting for a bit of a boost from the existing tube screamer.  It sounded so easy that I brushed it off at first, but then after playing my buddy's "FoolDrive2" (are we even allowed to say that word here?), I realized the utility of the switch.  I realize it may not be for everyone, but I like it!  One thing I like about it is the ability to go straight to and from boost to clean.  I housed all of this up in a 1590B from pedal parts plus.  (I screwed up the case while drilling; have to wait for a replacement case to come in before it's truly finished.)

Thanks again for the responses!



I didn't mean to type "her" earlier. Sorry!
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


So terribly offended!  Just kidding!