Electro Harmonix Holy Grail help!!

Started by chris, September 12, 2010, 11:41:58 AM

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I got an older holy grail really really cheap because it was not working The guy said it was his adapter but no, it appears that whoever tried to do the boss adapter mod hit R22 and C27 with the drill bit. Does anyone know what those two component values are? As far as I can tell thats all that is wrong it.

Thanks in advance for any help



Try emailing EHX and letting them know you're trying to do a repair. They might share the schem with you, or at least give you the values. I did a quick google search and no results on the schem, but getting the schem will be your best bet.

Can you not read the original parts values?



Same here, google was no help. The components are totally gone so there is no way to find out. Ill try emailing them and Ill let post back when they tell me something.



Ron Neely II
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