Electro Harmonix Deluxe pedal LED for effect "on/off" not Power "on/off" How-To?

Started by scott_v, November 21, 2011, 02:35:50 PM

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I would like to change/add on my older EH "Deluxe" effects (Deluxe Big Muff & Deluxe Memory Man) to have a LED effect indicator.

I found this on the EHX forums: http://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/954/#10280
there is a post that shows a how-to with photos  where the user was able to convert the power LED to an effect LED indicator on their QTron...
I'm assuming this can also be done with an older Deluxe Memory Man (w/o the relay switching) & a Deluxe Big Muff by using a 3pdt?

Not sure if this would work by keeping the existing power LED and adding an effect LED and how?
Guitars: '72 Fender Telecaster Custom, Partscaster Strat
Pedals: ZVex Fuzz Factory, Boss TU-2, DIY SHO Boost clone, DIY EA Tremolo, Line 6 DL4
Amps: Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, Fender Champ (Silverface)