NotSoClean - Analog Sound Overdrive

Started by gtudoran, October 31, 2010, 01:41:28 PM

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Hey guys,

A little overdrive that i have build. It use one j201 and one BS170. No tone knob (just gain and volume).
At this link you have the build pdf (please remember that the PCB transfer needs to be mirrored - i just forgot that eagle pcb is viewed from the top and when i've exported i've checked mirror - stupid me).
The schematic is from a page (i don't remember what ) where there was some known big-heads fet emulation - so this is just the first stage. If someone saw it or remember please give credit.

The pdf document is here:
And a sound clip is here:

Best regards,
Gabriel Tudoran
Analog Sound

nick d

              Great sound ! And from such a simple-looking circuit - reckon I'll try this one !


Why does R11 return to Vref? Doesn't that put DC on the output?


AAAHHHH BUSTED :D . That is right, if i remember i don't even remember how it got there. Thank you a lot PRR for notice.

Best regards,
Gabriel Tudoran
Analog Sound

LE: Here is the new document version with all the updates (R11 is out, and the PCB image is ready to print - no more mirror)


can you post the schematic as an image, rather than linking the scribd page?  my computer does not like it at all and it's really tough for me to get the document up...



Here is the link (hope it will work for you):

Best regards,
Gabriel Tudoran
Analog Sound