Matter/Antimatter Fusion Unit

Started by frequencycentral, November 06, 2010, 08:20:40 AM

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I've got this idea which grew out of the Causality project. On my next Causality I want to add filter mode to one pair of OTA stages. the filtering will be lowpass. Now it occured to me that the pair of fixed stages *might* invert the phased path with respect to the dry path. But it seems that I'll need to use quite high cap values to invert at all frequencies - I don't want to do that because the fixed stage caps were pretty carefully selected in the first place. The advantage of the phased path being inverted with respect to the dry path is that when mixed in the correct amounts, highpass filtering should occur - nice.

So, as I don't want to increase the fixed stage cap values, I'm now thinking of other ways to invert the wet and dry signals with respect to each other. Here's what I'm thinking:

(Something like) this little circuit will be inserted in the dry path before it is mixed with the wet path. At one end of the mix pot only the inverted signal will get through, at the other end only the normal, in the middle they will cancel each other out. Seems to me like is should work, and should give Causality filter stages the ability to be either lowpass or highpass.

So, next up, I wonder if there are other uses for this little circuit, as some sort of looper maybe? Like this:

The clean signal would be split into normal and inverted signals, which could be mixed (or nulled), and then blended with the looped effects signal. Some interesting phase cancellation effects may occur. Just an idea.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Looks like it should work, though you may have to play around with your intermix ratios.
I recall reading an article on AMZ about modifying the MosfetBooster do something similar. It only works at unity gain though.


The infinitely-variable version of the opamp switch hitter does the same, and can be rigged to run all the way down to DC if you're careful with power supplies and ground. The switchable version also works all the way down to DC, but only gives you +/- inversions, not variable mixes.

Same comment for the opamp panner.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.