combining Rangemaster with Fuzz face build

Started by pd3, January 22, 2011, 11:16:24 AM

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Hey there.  The rest of the parts and components should be here today and I've decided to take a look at also including a Rangmster type treble booster into the Germanium fuzz face that I originally intended to build.   It just sees like a great thing to get some nice driven highs into the front of a germanium FF as an option. Hey, it may be great to have just the treble booster by itself to drive my other pedals too.   I'm really cuious to hear from any of you that have driven your Fuzz faces with teble boosters and could relay to me the issues that could be present.  I have heard that the FF can be sensitive to the impedances of other adjacent pedals like wah-wahs and such.  Do you use Rangmasters in front of the FF as a matter of course?   I'm hoping to build the "Rangmaster" into the same box as the FF, each having thier own true bypass switch.  Instinct tells me the Rangemaster would come before the FF.   My fuzz face components are all from small Bear and Iv'e settled on the Fullerton mod withe the added 50K input pot and the added 1K pot for the Q2 gain mod.  Are there any problems I should be aware of or can I rely on these circiuts wokijng in fairly good harmony?  I was under the impression that the range master was actually designed to compensate for things like rolled off sounding Germanium transistor circiuts and the like.  Feel free to get into as much technical detail as you wish.  I've been doing electronics for work and hobby for a long time.   I'm no stranger to  V,I,R,P and such.  Thank you all, I'm really hoping to adding a new well working effect box to my arsenal.   
Have a good weekend,
PHil Donovan



Hi Phil,

What you've described is pretty much Joe Gagan's Skyripper circuit. There's a recent thread on that pedal with soundclips so you can have a listen. Plus you'll find lots of other info on that pedal scattered throughout the site.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown


Ive built the same but had the rangemaster after the fuzz face and it was great! But I strongly recommend you install a toggle switch so you can have the rangemaster before or after the fuzz face. Its a very simple add on, check out rg's juggler or beavis' order switcher.
I forgot what I was gonna say here.


  Yupp, we used to build 'em like that too.
 RM/FF, RM>FF and...other orders of boostafuzz.
 Essentially, take a look at the Tonebender MkII Pro schematic, a 3 transistor fuzz, Q1 has different bias arrangement [and Q requires some leakage to bias].
  Here's a TB MkII Pro Scheamtic:
  Stick with the tested R bias values that come with the SB transistors for the RM and FF, but the capacitor/gain values are worth a looking.
  The Switching of RM to RM>FF added large volume gain [unless otherwise adjusted simultaneously or some other way to balance 1 transistor ouput with 3 transistors gain].
 That tone cap of the RM, made as a larger value than .0047uf [hear the mosquitos go into holding pattern...], it is then easy to install a second capacitor in series with it. Perhaps right onto the lugs of what'd then be the input HP filter select switch.
 As long as the entire circuit is one polarity of power supply [say PNP]  they should run from the same battery or regulated PS with no additional problems, same as Tonebender does.  
  Alternatives to RM // RM>FF include RM // FF, Bypass // 3QFuzz or additional switching.
  The ''right sized'' resistor *between RM*FF at the FF input side of the switch could be used to attenuate the FF input, other passive configurations like 'volume' [becomes gain here, but the pot are wired same, and can be seen in BMP gain or FF volume control] could be placed here.
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