My new overdrive

Started by oucivileng, February 27, 2011, 03:08:49 PM

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Here's my new, homemade "zendrive" knockoff.  Basically the same circuit with a few different values.  I'm still tweaking a few things but it already sounds glorious.  It makes my tubescreamer sound like trash.

The main reason I built it is I'm in college and bills are awful lately.  You'll notice that I used a cigar box (cheap, available, and I think it looks pretty sexy) and none of the knobs match up on the pots cuz I pulled a couple off of old projects.  My only real problem is that I can't get the nuts screwed onto any of the pots because the lid is just barely too thick.  I don't want to glue them or do anything permanent because I might make some changes at some point.  Also, I accidentally have a log taper on one where I need linear so it is only temporary.  Does anybody have any idea how I can get these pots mounted in a way that won't destroy the box and will allow me to remove them?



I like it. :)

Wish I could get cigar boxes cheaper than enclosures though!