Gate/Threshold indication circuit suggestions

Started by knutolai, January 13, 2014, 08:15:43 AM

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I'm cooking up a delay circuit (at the moment only on paper and in my head) and I thought of adding a simple gate function to the feedback loop. The idea is to put a LDR (coupled with a LED) i the feedback loop as a soft-switch. The LED would be switched on when the guitar-input signal exceed a threshold (variable by a potentiometer), and switched of again when the input signal drops below the threshold. The lowest threshold would leave the gate open at all times.

I know how to make a simple AC to DC converter for using the input as a control-signal, but am uncertain how I would implement a threshold control and turn on and off a switch with the control-signal (was thinking of using a 4066 or 4053 IC).

I've had a look at the expander in this thread: Could I convert the upper part of this circuit to switch a gate on and off? If so I suspect the circuit could be simplified as I don't indent the gate to be dynamic apart from on or off.


You might like to watch this tutorial on the subject (you would only need one comparator, but the principle still holds)


Thanks that was very informative  :icon_razz: Could normal opamps be used as comparators too? Also if I wanted the LED to fade out instead of keeping constant for a set amount of time after the signal goes below the threshold. Could I simply put a cap in parallel with the diode and resistor?
Edit: never mind that. It wont work as the LED wont be connected to ground any longer. Ill figure something else out for that. I think Ill use a dual comparator as its as big as the single comparator chip. Meaning I wont need to make a full wave rectifier. Should a circuit component such as this one be separated from the audio path with a buffer? Also it there any way I could use a basic IC such as a tl072 for this application? I haven't got any comparator chips in stock atm and would like to give this a stab asap.

Also I guess i would be a good idea to give the input signal some lowpass filtering before feeding it to the comparator?


I would imagine that this could be achieved with a LM3914 and a bar graph display or line of single LEDs.

Look up LM3914 circuit.
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


Could this work?

-With P1 sets the threshold. When P1 = 0, threshold = input bias. (forgot to label the input resistors, they are supposed to be equal)
-When the threshold is exceeded (or met?) the PNP opens, the LED instantly turns on and the cap charges up.
-When the threshold isn't exceeded the PNP closes and the LED fades out as the cap charges out.