TS-9DX true bypass mod fail... help!

Started by dyork423, April 13, 2011, 06:15:09 PM

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I tried making my TS-9DX true bypass by drilling a hole and installing a 3PDT switch. It's tight, but I was able to get everything to fit in. I followed Robert Keeley's directions (http://www.musicianshotline.com/archive/monthly/pedal_power/0704.htm) and everything looks good, but I must have hooked up something wrong because now the pedal sounds completely terrible!

With my amp set on normal apartment volume, I plug the pedal in and the sound that comes through my amp is barley audible. When I crank up the volume on the amp a really tinny, faint, clean sound comes through. Clearly the true bypass isn't working... When I hit the stomp switch, the LED turns on, volume increases slightly, the overdrive kicks in, and all the knobs work as they should, but the sound is equally as thin, quiet, and horrible as it is with the pedal "bypassed." I have triple checked my connections and even resoldered the new switch rotated 180 degrees around so the numbers in Keeley's instructions would start from the opposite corner. Same thing either way...

Do any of you who have successfully done this mod have any advice for where I could begin to troubleshoot? Is there any additional work required on the smaller circuit boards attached to the pots on the DX that are not on the TS-9? Keeley only discusses this mod for a TS-9, so maybe?

I have also done the TS-808 mods (new op amp and resistors), but I don't think that should make any difference with the true bypass. Thanks a lot.