Thinking about an all-in-one

Started by majornoob, May 28, 2011, 08:48:59 PM

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I've been building for about a year now and am having pretty good success. As it is almost summer, I am looking for a new project and am thinking about building a custom enclosure and putting all my
completed pedals into it. I have seen some pictures in the large pedalboard area. I was thinking about an aluminum or steel chassis with red stained cherry on the sides (similar design to the moog pedals but elongated).

The circuits I was thinking about are as follows: Buffer, tube screamer, range master, octavia, phase 45, reverb, orange squeezer, boost, and a built in PSU.
Anyone have suggestions for a project like this? I would be transferring mostly working pedals from crap enclosures.
Any thoughts would be appreciated 


just be careful how you mount all the pcb's. try to keep the wiring nice and organized. keep your power supply as far away from the pedal pcb's as possible. you could even make a sub cage for the PS so its shielded but still internal. all your pedals should be wired at the footswitch for grounded input when bypassed. this will also keep noise down. as for the buffer, not sure what it is but if its a sho, then you dont really need the boost at the end. you might make an sho with another latching switch to go to full gain(fixed resistor) vs the pot. dont stick pedals in there that you might not use. I would just scrap the booster and the buffer and the compressor. you may want the compressor first or last in the chain or you may get bored of it and sell it. anyway those are things that I would do but its all about personal preference.