Wiring issue maybe?

Started by Jeffsg605, April 15, 2011, 11:35:51 PM

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Today I finished up four circuit boards that I am putting into a single pedal.  This is how it is wired.  I have two distortion circuits, orange sunshine and rocket fuzz, with a switch that selects between the two by deciding which circuit is grounded.  Then where the outputs of those meet is the input of the second part.  There is a green ringer and the envelope circuit from tonepad that are both wired to a switch that chooses which of those is grounded and hence which effect is chosen like with the distortion part.  Then the guitar out is where the output of the green ringer and envelope meet.  So there are four possible choices of circuit, or sounds, here.
So these are my questions.
Is one 9v battery sufficient?
Is there a better way to wire this?
I ask because when I select the setting that is rocket fuzz with green ringer, I get very little sound and when I select either distortion with the envelope, it takes away from the distortion.  Can anybody give me some insight on this?  Thank you guys very much for your time and wisdom.