Fuzz Factory Troubleshoot

Started by vendettav, April 20, 2011, 08:25:21 AM

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hey guys

so i put my fuzz factory into an enclosure finally. redid the wiring of the pots actually to get it in there
anyways now it doesnt work. bypassed it's fine (true bypass so nothing special here). when it's on it doesnt sound at all. the schematic staid the same and i didn't swap the trannies so no doubt they are in there correctly. I'd give the voltages but I can't: the input voltage is 1-something volts instead of 9v. jsut once i plug my adapter to the thing it becomes 1 from 9 ... what's wrong with it? im guessing that's the problem. can't get why tho


here's the schematic

I also relpaced the trannies originally but they worked wen it was out of the box (again, i redid the wiring of the external parts and that's where the problem aroused)
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Shredtastic psycho metal!


  Did you take/note or have some voltages taken from a working one ?
   Close-in light and magnifying glass may show where the 'xtra wire touch' shouldn't be.
  Otherwise a bit more difficult in terms of access/probing/seeing when in the box, and has to show same connections as schematic..
   Starting from outside the box, a circuit with RP diode...not recommending except it makes it easier to tell when/where the problem is...put into the box with the normal hum-tone [or audio source processed by the circuit] while live [could get sparky, watch the +/- carefully].
  Any wiring additions: test for 'no-short' condition of PS +/- before applying power, apply power and see if it still works [for each wire added]. Same goes for any switching, even when it is 'snuck' in with say a mono-1/4 plug sleeve making a jacks sleeve/ring become common [:PS> input-jack defeat trick.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


unfortunately i didnt. eh each time I'm like well it works so i'll just put it in the box and then it fails >_<
sorry but i didnt get the rest really. (sorry if that sounds stupid)

i did go thru the thing a couple of times and yet couldnt get it to work.
I remember when i plugged it on the first time it didnt make any sound (cause i had the jack wired wrong) but the LED was lighting up. then it got off and never lighted up. i actually tested it and to my surprise it wasnt shot but was working just fine. put it back and it doesnt light. again im getting 1v in...
check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!


ok finally i got in yesterday. went thru it again and again. figured out i want ti disassembled arleady to redo the wiring. took the jacks out
and jsut tried that way and voala.. the LED lit up... touched the ground of the jack to the enlosure and the thing goes off. found tehres a little resistance between the positive and the enclosure. anyways. isolated the jacks (since i spent 1 good hour of trying to find where the thing is shorted and not finding anything) and it worked. now only the volume pot didn't work and it was too quite. i give it is cause of the pot or something cause i can't see a volume pot not working :P

soon to be finished. but corect me if i'm wrong about this particular volume pot. also what's the point of having the pot before the output cap and the resistor?
check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!


Yeah, I had a similar problem when I was making my Wah pedal a couple months back. I was using an uninsolated Center negative, outside positive power jack, and the enclosure is grounded, so VOILA! power supply shorted to ground! lulz. I was banging my head on the wall for a while before I figured that one out. ended up just smacking a whole bunch of a electrical tape on it to isolate it, and it works beautifully now! not a lesson I will soon forget.


^^ haha i know what you mean. happened to me with the jacks i ordered...

but this time it was the audio jacks but well i got it sorted. just wrapped some tape around it haha... bnow it works pretty good :)
check my music HERE

Shredtastic psycho metal!