LM1875 Guitar Amp by joethugs

Started by joethugs, September 06, 2010, 03:06:15 AM

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Hi there! been a forum lurker for quite some time now so I guess it's
time to post some of my projects! :-)

This is my take on a LM1875 based Guitar practice amp.. I'm using the
layout from this Gainclone project K50..

could not find a copper side shot of this one so what i did is just
trace it from the picture and followed the schematic found on its pdf.

here's the link for the project file

The Preamp i used is the one at ESP's Project 27b here's the link

I did not found any layout for this preamp so i just made my own

here's the Components Side

and here's the pcb transfer.. i decided for the pots to be mounted on
the board so it would be much easier mounting it on the chassis i made
from a metal sheet and for the heatsink for the chip amp i used a CPU

Pictures to be posted when everything is done.. till next post.. and
by the way if some one could point out some improvements for the
LM1875 like changing some values on the components for it to be suited
for the preamp i doubt that it would be a perfect match so need help
on a couple of things...

thanks to bancika's DIY layout creator (ver 2) I used it for making
the layout

and elliot sounds for the preamp!


somehow the pictures doesn't want to show up  :(  so here it is again :icon_mad:

Component Side

PCB Side



yup sure did.. working and good!


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honestly i've never recorded y self playing so i dont have sound clips.. but try to update it if ever i'll post sound clips