BSIAB2 for first pedal build?

Started by ludashoeless, July 24, 2012, 05:40:27 PM

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I'm just getting into building pedals and planning to do the BSIAB2. Is this a good pedal to build for my first? Is it difficult? My soldering skills are decent, I built a mini amp like this: and my dad can bail me out if I mess up because he's good with this stuff.



Depends on how you do it. I built one from a GGG kit as one of my first few builds, and it turned out great. One of my favorite distortions. I tried to build one on point to point a few times and only one worked (it sounded so so). Then I learned to etch PCBs and I've made two that were great. It's not a terribly complicated circuit, but there are easier ones out there. Just remember to socket the transistors so you can swap them out for different kinds if you find it too gainy/not gainy enough.
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.


Thanks for the reply. Yes, Id be doing the GGG kit. So it should be fine?


You'll totally be fine if it's from a kit.


Allright just ordered it. Eventually I'll build one of these