Ross phaser LFO timing capacitor

Started by jrc4558, June 01, 2011, 08:11:07 AM

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I am facing a usual problem - lack of specific value potentiometer (500kC with knurled shaft) to build a Ross Phaser clone. I do have several 100kC pots that fit the bill, but the LFO speed doesn't decrease to it's slowest, naturally. I wonder, is there a timing capacitor in this particular LFO, or is it purely current-driven? Can anyone perhaps advise on the topology of this particular LFO and formulas to calculate it?
Thanks so much in advance!

File:  tonepad_rossphaser.pdf 255.1 KB-- Ross Phaser, Rev.1.Nov.29.2005


I believe the 3.3uF cap (at pins 10 and 12 of IC4b) is the timing cap. Probably best to socket it and try some higher values. Personally, I'd whack a 10uF in there and see what happens.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!

Mark Hammer

Personally, I've never found the rate control on the Ross pleasing, even with the "correct" taper pot.  Absolutely nothing wrong with having a fast/slow range switch that introduces either a fixed resistance in series with the 100k pot, or else a parallel resistance along with a larger-value (e.g., 1meg) pot.

FWIW, when I converted a Ropez to a Uni-Vibe format, a 50k pot was really all I needed to cover the complete range of usable speeds.

So, no real need to change the cap value.


Gentlemen, you have my gratitude. :) Will try this tonight! :)

Mark Hammer


It just clicked.  I haven't seen you here in a long time.  Are you still in Toronto?


Hi Mark,

Yes, although now my stomping grounds are the business area of Mississauga. How are you? Still in Ottawa?