FIY - a little work around for russian tube heater supply

Started by gtudoran, June 18, 2011, 01:20:30 PM

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Hey iccaros, tryed all :) it's not the hum that bothers me... is the fact that over the original sound when the tube is overdriven i get some kind of distortion (it's sounds to me more like a blocking distortion or like the tube is noit fast enough to recover from overdrive state - and when the sound level begins to decrese i get some kind of on/off distortion over the main body of the sound that fades along with the note (i will try to make a recording - hope that i will get it on tape).

Best regards,
Gabriel Tudoran
Analog Sound


that sounds like oscillation, you could try adding a 10K grid stopper (between 10K and 60K  but you loose volume)