Implementing Wooly Mammoth type "gate" into other fuzzes

Started by theundeadelvis, July 02, 2011, 05:05:18 PM

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Howdy folks! I was curious if it's possible to implement a "noise gate," similar to what the Zvex Wooly Mammoth has, into other fuzz designs? I'm sure it's not technically a noise gate, but I thought it might be effective at taming feedback at stage volumes for crazier fuzzes (like the Dirty Sanchez for example). Is this a simple modification, or something that just happens to be unique to the design of the Wooly?

Here's a link to the "Sabertooth" schematic at Madbeans:
It's the "Bite" control I'm referring to.

If it ain't broke... will be soon.


thats no more that a fuzz face type circuit, there is nothing explicitly doing a noise gate. That is probably a product of misbiasing the transistor in some settings of the feedback resitor ("bite" pot)

with other fuzzes you can try a bit of misbiasing to get that effect too.

i've seen some schematics that uses an actual subcircuit for a sort of noise gate, muting when there is no audio through. From zvex the box of metal uses this but if i recall correctly that was a bit too complex.
There is some fuzz schematic around that uses some simple transistor for muting, i dont remember which one exactly, maybe somebody else knows...


Ah yes, the mis-biasing makes sense. I'll search around and see if I can dig up the fuzz you're thinking about. Thanks for the input!
If it ain't broke... will be soon.


starving the collector of Q1 with a 10k pot should do it in any fuzz face style fuzz. the mammoth bite knob is different though.