A Challenge failed...

Started by thedefog, August 18, 2011, 02:06:51 PM

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Sorry Mark. I think the challenge lasted all of 4 hours.


Fuzz fuzz fuzz fuzz distorted fuzz with distortion on it.
I made the transistor angry.

Mark Hammer

Quote from: thedefog on August 18, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Sorry Mark. I think the challenge lasted all of 4 hours.
Not yet.  I don't recall anyone firing the starter's pistol.  I was just pitching it as a hypothetical.

One day, though, one day..... :icon_wink:


Is it just not talking about it?
I could be playing my guitar with three fuzzes in series while typing "yeah, my chorus is super clean and dreamy, man...", right?


Or, we could replace words:

Fuzz Face: frisbee

Tube Screamer: frog

Germanium: Britanium

And so on...


I am still working on wah's and compressors
"Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Small Minds!"

Gus Smalley clean boost, Whisker biscuit, Professor Tweed, Ruby w/bassman Mods, Dan Armstrong Orange Squeezer, Zvex SHO, ROG Mayqueen, Fetzer Valve, ROG UNO, LPB1, Blue Magic