Getting Buzz/Static Sound When Guitar's Volume is on Zero

Started by yclepticon, September 09, 2011, 11:16:33 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I originally had posed this question on a different thread, but figured I'd start a new one for this problem exclusively. I have designed my own fuzz pedal that I am really happy with except for one small problem - I and am getting some buzz/static when the guitar's volume is turned to zero.  I play an old Gibson 335 PRO which has a volume knob for both pickups and it occurs if either are grounded (zero). This only happens when the it's right on zero, once the volume is rolled up at all it goes away. It's not the guitar as this doesn't happen with any of my other pedals. Has anyone encountered this before?

Any help would be great! I'm new to this forum and really appreciate all the support so far. Thanks.

Here is the previous thread that I was referring to:


I get this with my Pocket POD, don't get it with either the Valvecaster or my op-amp preamp.  No idea why.
I made the transistor angry.


Add a resistor (100-1000 ohms) in series with the input cap, or (10-100 ohms) between the first transistor's emitter and ground.


Thank you so much. Although, it does steal a small amount of fuzz tone from the pedal a 1k resistor did help quite a bit in reducing the noise. With a higher value I found that I could get rid of it... But, the tone wasn't nearly as sweet. I appreciate the response!