how to bias a Liquid sunshine on vero?

Started by GuitarTek86, September 15, 2011, 07:28:28 PM

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Hey all. I just finished building a liquid sunshine, but I'm stumped on the biasing. On the produced version, there is a test point. Can anyone tell me what this connects to? Also, my cheap MM reads DCv of 10, 250, and 500. sounds like it's time for a nicer MM, eh? Biasing is supposed to be set between 4.75v and 5v

Vero layout I followed...


> what this connects to?

JFET drain; but there's an easier marker. Each trim-pot has two legs at solid +9V, and a third leg now somewhere between 8.9V and 1V (to ground). Probe that and turn the trim until you have 4V or 5V.

> my cheap MM reads DCv of 10, 250, and 500

Needle-meter? Some of those are mighty insensitive; meaning they suck power from the thing being measured. Cars and house-wiring, no problem. Small electronics, they read low, sometimes very low.

The JFETs may work if trimmed to read 3V on a cheep needle meter (they will bounce higher when meter is removed). However adequate digital meters are $4.99 online, might be worth the investment.