electro harmonix distortion compressor

Started by fatfoot51, November 04, 2011, 09:31:01 PM

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Hi! I've put a few of my other projects on hold for the time being since I've hit a dead end.. Right now I decided to work on my deluxe big muff pi and after looking at previous threads I realized that the person at least had theirs partially working...  Like my regular big muff which was an ic version, there is absolutely no sound or bypass signal... I have the blend schematic off of the freeinformationsociety.com but it isn't correct since there is a LM 741 and another ic... My version is also the series parallel so I'm not sure what the mod was after they made the blend version... I just drew a rough picture to remember where the wires went if they fell off the board..I'd just be happy for the time being to get distortion out of it... I wasn't sure how to measure voltages off the board since it isn't a regular battery powered pedal where you put the input plug in and measure ground and the pins to get voltage... I thought the first thing I should do is to find out if the transformer is giving the correct output once its rectified through the diodes but I'm not sure which points they would be... Thanks...At least that would help a little.. :icon_biggrin: