UglyFace: Mick Bailey Frequency Mod

Started by chi_boy, October 28, 2011, 12:26:55 AM

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I know the UglyFace has been beat to death, but I'm struggling with this question and I just can't find a good answer.

The question is this:  In the Mick Bailey LFO & mods sheet there is included a frequency mod (at the bottom).

According to Mick:

"The Frequency mod gives better and more reliable sub-octave effects. The 22k resistor evens out the volume across the range of the control."

First, in my schematic lug 3 of the frequency pot currently connects to the 470R resistor.

So is that mod done by breaking the connection between lug 2 of the frequency pot and the optoisolator / pin 3 net and then connecting lug 2 to lug 1 with a 22k resistor?

I believe this is correct, but I have seen several layouts here that connect lug 2 to lug 3 with the 22k, but also leave lug 2 connected to the optoisolator / pin 3 net.

I can't ague the benefits of either way, but would only like to know the correct way to implement the modification

So which of these would be correct??

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The Leftover PCB Page


Givin' this one a little bump from page 2.

Hey, even if you don't know for sure, feel free to chime in with an opinion.

I'll probably lay it out with options to do it a couple of ways and then decide what works when I build it.
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." — Admiral Hyman G. Rickover - 1900-1986

The Leftover PCB Page


Very good question!
I am very curious about the answer too :)