Switch for a Mustang I or II

Started by jcwillow777, November 15, 2011, 07:50:05 AM

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Is there a layout some where for building a simple one button switch for a Fender Mustang I or II amp so I can switch between the 2 QA presets? I have googeled and searched here but haven't found anything, probably because I don't know the right questions to ask. I think I have all the parts to put it together and would rather build it my self rather than pay $20.

There is a mono 1/4" jack that plugs into the amp.

Thanks in advance!


It's probably no different than any other amp foot switch. I think its just a spst in there.


Okay, that is what I was thinking. I just want to make sure I hook it up right. I am gonna hook it up to a 1/4" jack, so I can just use a guitar cord to run from the box to the amp. Does it matter which pole of the spst switch goes to the tip of the jack?



If it's just a SPST, either end would work since it just makes/breaks a connection. I could be wrong about it being an SPST though. I'm assuming that's all that it could be since you said the the cable was mono.