Dual LM386 Ruby amp (in parallel)

Started by ozzu2000, November 19, 2011, 09:59:13 PM

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I've started buiding the original ruby amp a while ago, it worked fine on the bread board.
Then I tryed building one in a push-pull configuration, but as the speaker was 3ohm. It didn't work well, so I tried it in a parallel configuration. To my surprise it worked much better, the sound was much louder and cleaner. The amp now handled the low impedance speaker rather nicelly!
I thought of this after seeing an audio amp with a parallel push-pull config, the paralleled amp chip will handle better a lower impedance speaker.

Oh, it's based on a runoffgroove Ruby, with the bassman mod. I just added the second lm386 in parallel :)
I've also removed the gain pot and replaced it with a switchable gain button.

Schematic on veroboard (so far I've only tried the design on breadboard):

So, I've been following this forum for some time, but only now did register to share this.

Regards  ;D