Tweaking the Orange Squeezer

Started by R O Tiree, July 24, 2012, 11:34:02 AM

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R O Tiree

Just wondering, given the possible scarcity of 2n5457s in the future, whether any work has been done for deriving the optimal resistance values for the input stage and opamp for different JFETs in the attenuation cell in an Orange Squeezer along the lines of the work done on the Fetzer Valve at runoffgroove.

I've got a bunch of various N-channel JFETs, sig gen and oscilloscope, so I'm happy to prat around with it and plot some curves, but it would seem a little pointless if the work has already been addressed elsewhere.

I'm thinking in terms of a spreadsheet available online where you enter your values of Vgsoff, Idss, Vcc and peak output from your pickups and it would spit out a bunch of compression curves for various values of the "stock" 82k resistor at the input and, perhaps, suggested values of the gain resistors for the opamp...

Any thoughts? fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


cool idea. props.

there's quite sometime before scarcity becomes an issue and smd 'adaptors' will no doubt become more available but would still be a very useful tool. nice one.