RoG professor tweed: adusting drain voltage?

Started by ozzu2000, December 07, 2011, 04:52:36 PM

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I'm thinking about assembling a professor tweed pedal, but one thing has me intrigued.
On the ROG site they list the voltages for the drain gate and source, how can I adjust all these if there's only a trim for the drain?
Or if I adjust the drains the others will also be done? Are those voltages (gate, source) listed just as a confirmation check?

Thanks! :)


You get what they mean when you replace the gate and source resistors with trimpots too . And , just so you know , the trimpot should be higher then the specified resistor .


Those other measurements listed are what the RoG folk measured on their board, with the jfets they used.

Jfets properties are all over the shop, inconsistent even from the same batch, so you'll get different readings even with the drain pot adjusted to said value. Try as many fets as you've got on hand until it sounds good to you


I'll just adjust the drain then, and see what I get on the others ;)