signal chain switching

Started by garcho, December 08, 2011, 11:05:11 PM

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Hey y'all,

I'm a newb, thanks for your time, hopefully I'm not wasting it. I'm getting ready to build an Orange Squeezer and a Hog's Foot (boost) in the same pedal, with only one on/off 3PDT for both effects. But I'd like to be able to switch between using the following combinations: compressor into boost, or boost into compressor. I'm curious, what would be the simplest wiring for the switching? I have a guess that I'd like to have looked at before I go through the pain of soldering it all together to find out it was a stupid idea  :icon_rolleyes: Here's a diagram using two DPDT switches:

Am I on the right track? Not at all?
"...and weird on top!"


Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can get you shot


"...and weird on top!"