buildin' my first 'strip board' effect.... question about 3pdt wiring

Started by plexi12000, September 02, 2015, 04:55:03 PM

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hi dudes---  i'm building joe davisson's obsidian OD for my first strip board project.  i've built a few pcb effects before but always had "layouts" to follow.

i believe there's a couple diff ways to hook up your 3pdt w/ t-bypass.  i've seen two ways that i've never used before. 

i always wired it the way GG-Gadgets does -according to their "layouts" and schematics. the true-bypass wire goes to the opposite corner lugs.  these other methods are different.

my head is kinda spinning trying to think! lol  -can i just wire this thing the way I'm use to? (creature of habit, i guess) i wire both grnd. lugs of the 1/4" jacks together, then run them to ground?  can i use the strip on the board used for grnd. to also grnd. my in and out jacks?

Thanks a lot for helpin!!



Start with the tutorial on Breadboarding The Beginner Project:

The ideas in there are applicable to working with the Obsidian. Try the Beginner Boost first exactly as shown. Then print the schem for the Obsidian and set it up on the breadboard in a similar way; you will get the idea.

In Beginner Boost - Breadboard to Box

You'll find an explanation of how a 3PDT switch works and an example of a common way to wire one. Try building the Beginner Boost on perf. Doing a layout for the Obsidian is a bit of a stretch, but worth hacking at. Learn a little bit about using DIY Layout Creator before you go there.



Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.



great information smallbearelec---   i love your idea for epoxying the stand offs....when you have limited space.  genious!  lol

Thank you again--