cant stop tikcing sound in ehx lpb1 clone

Started by jokersmile32, December 25, 2011, 01:26:57 AM

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I made a clone of an electro harmonix lpb1 boost pedal exactly to spec from a schematic online.  The pedal works, but it constantly makes a ticking sound in the back, i believe its "oscillation" I tried a lot of things to make it stop, such as using small caps to ground at the input and using bootstrap resistors but nothing makes the tick stop.  I know the real ehx pedal doesnt tick like this and im pretty sure my clone is to spec.  does anyone have any suggestions how to stop this ticking?  here is a link to my schematic


that is strange, the lpb is definitely not a circuit where ticking should occur.
Are you using a wallwart? If so, does the sound go away when you switch to battery?
Does the ticking go louder when you turn the vol pot?


About using a walwart to power the pedal, if you are there may be other things plugged into the circuit that are causing the problem.  I was trying out some new pedals in my room and was experiencing a ticking sound, and found that it was being caused by an electric blanket on my bed that I forgot to turn off that was plugged into the same circuit.  So using a battery can help to see if you have a similar problem.  If you have no battery connection in the pedal, try turning off any other stuff in the room that may be in the circuit, like lights (especially dimmer wall switches) or any other devices that are present.  Just a thought.



is your cellular phone inside your pocket when you tested the LPB?
i am what i am, so are you.