Dual Tap Tempo pedal

Started by lwatford, August 01, 2011, 09:59:28 PM

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I'm sort of stuck on a project for a friend of mine. He wants a box with two tap tempo switches and two jacks (one for each delay), one that goes to both jacks (tempo to both delays), the other switch controlling only one of the two jacks (going to one of the two, for some patches on the other delay that do not need tap tempo).

The way I wired it up to begin with, I had both switches controlling both jacks. After reading, I figured that I needed to insulate the jacks from the chassis ground...did that, same results. Then I started to read about Diodes on the switches...I've played with a few different setups, but I can't seem to get the result I want. Any ideas?

Gaetano Capuano


you could always have 1 latching switch and 1 non latching.

When the latching switch is in 1 position both delays are tapped by the non latching. In the other position only 1 delay is tapped.

You could even add an LED to show what position the latching is in.

Gaetano Capuano

Quote from: bsmcc2010 on January 13, 2012, 05:06:44 AM
you could always have 1 latching switch and 1 non latching.

When the latching switch is in 1 position both delays are tapped by the non latching. In the other position only 1 delay is tapped.

You could even add an LED to show what position the latching is in.
Now that sounds intresting!


Making the critical assumptions that both delays do in fact share a common ground, and both use a 1/4" cable where sleeve is grounded and tip is momentarily shorted to ground as a tap signal, this can be very simple.