really high gain PNP germanium trannie -- what to do with it

Started by mordechai, January 13, 2012, 11:31:50 AM

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I have a bunch of 2n404's that read between 200-320 Hfe with very low leakeage.  I have had great luck with medium gain 2n404's (~ 140-160 Hfe) in Fuzz Face circuits...they sound really fantastic, actually...but I think these high gain pieces won't perform well in that circuit.  But surely there's something cool that can be done with these really high-gain pieces.  Any suggestions?


always think outside the box


Don't be afraid to try them in the Fuzz Face circuit. They might need slightly different biasing but still sound great. High gain germs sound great in single stage boosters as well.


3-knob Tonebender - the last trannie.
Low leakage x high beta = just the best combination for it.
Too old to rock'n'roll, too young to die