signal switching help (CMOS or transistor?)

Started by alparent, March 24, 2012, 03:43:42 PM

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I'm working on a switch box.
My setup is this an Arduino that feeds a 5v signal to transistors that switches 9v to the cd4066 gates.

But I'm also finishing a Equinox Reverb and noticed the signal switching transistor.

I'm wondering If the cd4066 is really needed in my switch box? Could I just use transistors to switch the signals?
Would that prevent any cross talk?

Or is 5v not good enough to switch a transistor passing audio signal (some issue as the cd4066)?

Don't know if this makes any sense?

Mark Hammer

Use the 4066, Alain.  The "switching" in the Equinox is simply shorting of a signal.  Your switching box has to do more than that.