GGG Electric Mistress question

Started by RetroTones, April 25, 2012, 08:06:46 PM

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Hello Stompers!

Would anyone have experience with modding the Deluxe Electric Mistress ?
Built the DEM on a GGG PCB. Works great and all but would like to Slow. It. Down.
Just wondering if anyone is familiar enough with that design to recommend a mod to slow the rate down noticeably.
Works fine otherwise. Just would prefer a much slower sweep rate range.

Using JD Sleeps schematic and PCB.
Thanks right up fronT for any tips!

Retro~  :icon_cool:

Dave W

The short & dirty answer is increase the value of C13 & C14.
This will also require lowering the value of R28 to maintain the max fast speed.
Or, you can try a 2M pot for the rate pot and not switch the caps or resistor.
That's where it's at.



Just stopping back briefly to say ThankS again to Dave W for the Electric Mistress Rate mod tips. 

I can report that, after two changes to the Rate capacitors, it now moves at a positively glacial pace! Changed the 33uF caps (C13,C14) to 47 uF (which helped but not enough) then again to 100uF which delivered a very noticeable slowdown. Could go even higher but probably won't. The max Rate is of course slower now as well but still delivers a seriously seasick wobble should I need that. Since the SAD1024A runs up so close to Ø, the very slow sweep at those minuscule delay times makes for a much more pronounced effect at the top end of the cycle - especially when the feedback trimmer is set near self-oscillation. Didn't swap out R28 (yet?) as suggested because I didn't want anything to affect the very excellent slow flange this Mistress now delivers.  :icon_cool: 

BTW, it's all housed in an original green logo Mistress enclosure and am keeping the old V4 PCB should I ever want to restore it.
So thanks again for the help with the Mistress and Kudos on a fine forum here.!